Fire emblem three houses: 10 удивительных косплеев на эдельгард

Fire Emblem Three Houses romance options for female Byleth

Here are all the female romance options in Fire Emblem: Three Houses:

  • Edelgard (only if you join Black Eagles, female) *
  • Jeritza (only if you join Black Eagles, male) *
  • Hubert (only if you join Black Eagles, male)
  • Ferdinand (Black Eagles, male)
  • Linhardt (Black Eagles, male)
  • Caspar (Black Eagles, male)
  • Dorothea (Black Eagles, female) *
  • Dimitri (only if you join Blue Lions, male)
  • Dedue (only if you join Blue Lions, male)
  • Felix (Blue Lions, male)
  • Ashe (Blue Lions, male)
  • Sylvain (Blue Lions, male)
  • Mercedes (Blue Lions, female) *
  • Claude (only if you join Golden Deer, male)
  • Lorenz (Golden Deer, male)
  • Raphael (Golden Deer, male)
  • Ignatz (Golden Deer, male)
  • Yuri (Ashen Wolves, male)
  • Balthus (Ashen Wolves, male)
  • Seteth (non-student character, male)
  • Hanneman (non-student character, male)
  • Alois (non-student character, male)
  • Cyril (non-student character, male)
  • Rhea (non-student character, female) *
  • Sothis (non-student character, female) *

* Same-sex romance

Looking for more help with Fire Emblem: Three Houses? Read which is the best House to join and a list of Fire Emblem Three Houses characters.

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Recommended Advanced Classes



Sword A


  • Swordfaire — Attack+5 when using a Sword
  • Sword Crit+10 — Critical hit rate goes up by 10 when using a sword
  • Astra (Mastery Combat Art ) — Attacks five times at 30% the usual strength
  • Skill bonus: Sword+3

The Swordmaster is one of the game’s best classes and certainly one you want to focus on at the Advanced tier. The sword bonuses easily outshine the Hero’s abilities, plus the Swordmaster’s growth rates focus on Strength and Speed. Unless you’re using a unit with frail defense, this means you’ve got a ready-made frontline monster to hold its own and push through the enemy lines.

Astra is also one of the best Combat Arts for dealing higher damage rates, though it will blow through your weapon durability if you use it too much.



  • Sword B
  • Bow C


  • Swordfaire — Attack+5 when using a Sword
  • Locktouch — Can open doors and chests without a key.
  • Stealth — Unit is less likely to be targeted
  • Lethality (Mastery ability) — Could instantly kill a foe (activation depends on Dexterity x 0.25%)
  • Assassinate (Mastery Combat Art) — Instantly kills a foe
  • Skill bonus: Sword+3, Bow+2

The Assassin is another of the game’s best classes. While you don’t get any Strength boost in the growth stat department, you do get rates twice as high for Dexterity and Speed, so you’ll be landing more hits, more often. The mastery skills don’t need much explanation; they’re incredibly powerful.

Locktouch’s usefulness is complemented by Stealth, since you can push your Assassin unit forward without worrying as much about being targeted. Stealth and higher speed also makes Assassin a good class for units with lower natural defense. You can dish out the damage and are more likely to avoid repercussions.



  • Lance B
  • Riding B


  • Canto — Lets unit take additional, unused movement after taking an action
  • Lancefaire — Attack+5 when using lances
  • Terrain Resistance — No negative effects from terrain
  • Aegis (Mastery ability) — Could reduce bow and magic damage by half (activation depends on Dexterity)
  • Skill bonus: Lance+3, Riding+3, Sword+2

The Paladin makes up for the Cavalier’s shortcomings in all ways. It gets stat growth rate boosts in all categories except Magic and Speed (which still gets a reduction). It’s a naturally stronger unit compared to the Wyvern Rider and doesn’t have the weakness to arrows and magic associated with the latter.

Canto and Terrain Resistance, plus higher defense and strength, make the Paladin a highly useful class for forging ahead and clearing a path for other units or holding the frontline. That goes double once you learn Aegis.

If you don’t use the Cavalier at the Intermediate level, just use seminars and goals to quickly raise your Riding level.



Bow A


  • Bowfaire — Attack+5 when using a bow
  • Bowrange+1 — Increases the range of bow attacks by 1
  • Hunter’s Volley (Mastery Combat Art) — Strikes twice, exclusive to Snipers
  • Skill bonus: Bow+3

The Sniper is a bit of an anomaly in this list because it doesn’t have too much going for it — but what it does have is worthwhile.

Bowrange+1 is one of the best skills for any bow user for obvious reasons. Combined with Bowfaire plus the Sniper’s higher Luck growth rate, you’ve got the perfect class for units like Ignatz with high strength but low defense. They can deal high amounts of damage up to three or four squares away without dealing with counter attacks.



Brawl A (Male only)


  • Fistfaire — Attack+5 when using brawling.
  • Unarmed Combat — Can fight without a weapon.
  • Tomebreaker (Mastery ability) — Hit and Avoid +20 when attacking magic users
  • Fierce Iron Fist (Mastery Combat Art) — Attacks three times, exclusive to the Grappler
  • Skill bonus: Brawl+3

The Grappler is a class worth sticking with to get the Tomebreaker ability, which perfectly complements the Brawler’s high strength and low resistance.

Like the Brawler in the Intermediate tier, the Grappler gets high Strength, Dexterity, and Speed growth rates, making it again more useful than the one-sided Warrior.



Reason A


  • Black Tomefaire — Attack+5 when using black magic
  • Black Magic Uses x2 — Doubles the number of times you can use each black magic spell
  • Bowbreaker (Mastery ability) — Hit/Avoid +20 when using magic against bow users.
  • Skill bonus: Reason+3, Faith+2

There’s not too much to say about the Warlock, other than it’s a very strong unit. It offers more and more useful abilities than the Dark Bishop and turns your Reason-based magic user into a highly efficient offensive unit. More power and more times to take advantage of it definitely outweigh the Bishop’s Renewal mastery ability.


Dorothea as a romance option for Byleth

Dorothea is the only member of the Black Eagles house who doesn’t come from nobility or royalty. Before enrolling in the Academy, she was an opera singer with humble beginnings. Beautiful, flirtatious, and charming, she is one of the most obvious romantic choices for Byleth.

Dorothea is friendly and flirty from the onset. Her open declarations of wanting to marry someone rich to secure her future make her seem shallow at first. But, deepening Byleth’s relationship with her reveals a delightfully complex character, whose struggles are remarkably relatable.

This character catches you off-guard with her refreshing outlook on life in Fódlan. She sees things from a commoner’s perspective, and while everyone else is busy fighting for their causes, Dorothea openly dislikes the war. It might not seem obvious at first, but Byleth’s romance with Dorothea is as intriguing as it is wholesome. 


Edelgard as a romance option for Byleth

The famed leader of the Black Eagles house, Edelgard is also the heir to the throne of the Adrestian Empire. She is a confident and capable character, who is much more complex than she appears. She has one of the most tragic backstories among the game’s ensemble and is at the center of one of the most shocking plot twists in Three Houses.

Edelgard openly admires Byleth and their abilities from the start, and if romanced she fosters a deep trust for them. Their romance caters to fans of the Us Against The World trope, as it sees Byleth supporting Edelgard’s actions, which sometimes skew violent and drastic.

Edelgard is one of the most well-known characters from Three Houses and one of the most popular romantic choices for a reason. Her character design is striking, her personality is magnetic, and her storyline with Byleth does not disappoint. It hits all the right spots. A romantic endgame with Edelgard is a recommended route, whether it’s your first or one-hundredth time playing the game.

These are our top 5 picks for the best romances in Three Houses. But, the beauty of this game is that any character you choose to romance is sure to surprise you with an engaging story with more than a few shocking twists.


Yuri as a romance option for Byleth

Yuri is one of four new characters introduced in the Cindered Shadows DLC. He is the silver-tongued leader of the Ashen Wolves house, the de facto secret fourth house of the Academy. A self-made man with a shady past, he also doubles as a gang leader for a group of vagabonds.

Extraordinarily charming and almost excessively flirty, Yuri is an obvious romantic choice for Byleth. Byleth and Yuri’s relationship is built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect. Deep into their relationship, we even see rare glimpses of Yuri stepping out of his comfort zone to aid Byleth.

Yuri’s character design, which clashes with his crass personality, is nothing short of eye-catching. Although he has fewer supports to other characters, they are all very complex and worth exploring—especially his romance with Byleth.

С кого рисовали персонажей в «Дракула: История любви» Клуб романтики

Визуальная новелла «Дракула: История любви» отличается лихо закрученным сюжетом и повествованием, идущим в двух временных линиях, одна из которых – XV век в Османской империи. Главная героиня Лайя, девушка из современного мира, погружается в видения о себе в прошлом, задолго до своего перерождения, когда она была племянницей самого султана Мурада II и находилась при дворе. Поэтому неудивительно, что в сюжете присутствуют некоторые известные исторические персонажи.

Один из главных любовных интересов главной героини, Влад Дракула, срисован с актера Люка Эванса и его образа в фильме «Дракула» 2014 года.

В молодом возрасте Влад частично похож и на другой кинематографический образ Дракулы – из фильма «Ван Хельсинг» 2004 года, где персонажа играет актер Ричард Роксбург.

Арабский тип лица главной героини Лайи Бернелл – турецкая модель Шевваль Шахин, победительница «Мисс Турция» 2018 года:

Сестра Лайи Милли срисована с американской актрисы Малез Джоу.

Сандра – подруга Лайи, с которой тоже можно завести романтические отношения. Ее «роль» досталась актрисе Александре Даддарио.

Сестра Сандры Илинка похожа на российскую певицу Кристину Си.

Юрист Жан, пытавшийся купить у героини картины, срисован с актера Райана Гослинга:

Эффектная женщина Нела срисована с итальянской актрисы и модели Моники Белуччи.

Многие герои из второй временной линии новеллы «Дракула: История любви», из Османской империи XV века, срисованы с персонажей известного турецкого сериала «Великолепный век»:

1. Так, внешность Нурай срисована с актрисы Мерьем Узерли:

2. Няня Лале, Шахи-хатун, срисована с персонажа актрисы Семы Хечик в «Великолепном веке». У героинь похожа даже одежда:

3. Мехмед срисован с турецкого актера Гюрбея Илери, который в «Великолепном веке» также играет роль шехзаде Мехмеда:

4. В сериале «Великолепный век» актер Халит Эргенч играет роль султана Сулеймана I. Очевидно, что с него срисован образ султана Мурада II из игры.

Find your perfect match

Fire Emblem: Three Houses—come for the series’ trademark battle system and immersive storytelling, stay for the 24 possible romance options. In Three Houses, you play as the male or female version of Byleth, a mercenary with a mysterious past, who finds themself in charge of students from the Officers Academy. You can befriend a colorful cast of characters, recruit some of them into your team, and even romance one of them.

With so many lovable romantic options for Byleth, how does one choose? If you don’t want to wade through 24 repeats of the game to find the love of your Byleth’s life, we’ve ranked the five best romances you can pursue. (Romances listed are available to both male and female Byleth. Major spoilers ahead!)

Some Considerations

Before getting into the nitty-gritty with class details, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. Don’t forget class abilities are tied to that class; the only ones you can take with you are the Mastery abilities and Combat Arts, which obviously require you to master said class.

Skills learned aren’t tied to class. If you have a Brawler with level B Faith, that Brawler will learn white magic even if he/she can’t use it in that class.

Classing up doesn’t necessarily mean big stat increases.The important things to consider are, instead, stat growth rates, since those determine how your unit will develop over time.

Recommended Master Classes

The Master tier of classes is a difficult one to choose the best from. Every class is strong and offers distinct benefits depending on your playstyle, but some stand out above the others.

Mortal Savant


  • Sword A
  • Reason B+


  • Swordfaire — Attack+5 when using a sword.
  • Black Tomefaire — Attack+5 when using black magic.
  • Warding Blow (Mastery ability) — Resistance+6 when unit initiates combat
  • Skill bonus: Sword+3, Reason+3

The Mortal Savant is a physical class that actually lets you use magic as well, making it one of the two best end classes for all reason-based magic users. While it might not be the most useful for those with naturally lower Strength initially, that stat does grow at a steady pace. Plus using a Sword grants an attack bonus anyway.

There are several units with high strength and decent magic that would fit this class, including Byleth.Just don’t use a slower unit, since the Mortal Savant gets a small blow to Speed.

Dark Knight


  • Lance C
  • Reason B+
  • Riding A


  • Black Tomefaire — Attack+5 when using black magic.
  • Canto — Lets unit take additional, unused movement after taking an action
  • Dark Tomefaire — Attack+5 when using dark magic
  • Seal Resistance (Mastery ability) — Foe gets Res-6 for one turn after unit attacks
  • Skill bonus: Lance+3, Riding+3, Reason+3

The Dark Knight is the other end class for all offensive magic users. The added mobility granted by riding a horse, plus the increased attack for both kinds of offensive magic, outweigh the slight speed reduction all horse units get at this level.

Additionally, there’s more offensive black and dark magic than there is offensive white magic, making the two Tomefaire skills more useful than the Holy Knight’s White Tomefaire skill. You also get a slight increase for the Strength growth rate, making lance use feasible as well, should you need it.

War Master


  • Axe A
  • Brawl A (Male only)


  • Fistfaire — Attack+5 when using Brawl-based weapons
  • Axefaire — Attack+5 when using an Axe
  • Crit+20 — Increases critical hit rate by 20
  • Quick Riposte (Mastery ability) — Guaranteed follow-up attack if a unit’s HP is greater than 50% and foe initiates combat
  • War Master’s Strike (Mastery Combat Art) — Effective against all enemies and has a high Hit rate
  • Skill bonus: Axe+3, Brawl+3

It’s easy to see from the skill list alone how useful the War Master can be if you’ve focused on Brawl skills in any of your male units.

All attacks will be enhanced, with improved critical hit rates, strong counter skills once you master the class, and high HP, Strength, and Dexterity growth rates. As physical units go, it’s hard to beat this one.



  • Reason A
  • Faith A (Female only)


  • Black Magic Uses x2 — Increases how much each black magic spell can be used
  • Dark Magic Uses x2 — Increases how much each dark magic spell can be used
  • White Magic Uses x2 — Increases how much each white magic spell can be used
  • Defiant Mag (Mastery ability) — Mag+8 when HP is less than 25%
  • Skill bonus: Reason+3, Faith+3

The Gremory is the ultimate magic user, but is limited to female units only. Fortunately, there are a lot of magic-proficient female units in Three Houses, so you’re bound to have at least one unit that would be a good fit for this class regardless of the House you chose.

Growth rates favor Magic and Dexterity, so units like Marianne and Annette who can’t make good use of the Dark Knight or Mortal Savant’s physical skills would be ideal here.

Unique Class



Complete «The White Heron Cup» quest available in month 12.


  • Dance — Allows targeted ally to move again
  • Special Dance (Mastery ability) — Dancing also increases Luck, Dexterity, and Speed by 4.
  • Skill bonus: Sword+2, Authority+2

The Dancer is a peculiar class. Only one character can be a Dancer — whichever one you choose for the quest mentioned above. However, Dancers don’t get any beneficial stat growth increases, except HP. Strength, Defense, and Resistance all take a small hit.

However, the Dance ability’s usefulness can’t be overstated. Whether you’re letting a healer assist another unit, moving a unit out of danger, or taking out another enemy, it’s always useful to grant an extra action to one of your party members.

Just note that while the Mastery ability affects dancing, the Dance ability is tied to the Dancer class and can’t be transferred to another.

How Fire Emblem: Three Houses romance options and S-Support relationships work

There are several things to know about the S-Support support system and romances in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, with some slight spoilers to when it comes to the game’s structure:

  • To reach S-Support status with your chosen character, have Byleth interact with them as much as possible, both in and out of battle.
  • S-Support pairings are not possible during the first ‘phase’ of the game. There is a point in the story where the structure of the game shifts, and when this second phase then ends, you are then able to be involved with your chosen S-Support.
  • Because of this, there is no ability to have children with any S-Support characters in Fire Emblem Three Houses.
  • You can’t miss choosing your S-Support, so don’t worry = the game will let you know when you can make that important decision.
  • If you want to see which S-Support relationships are available in-game, then view the ‘Support’ area of the menu:

С кого рисовали персонажей «Рожденная Луной»

Главная героиня новеллы «Рожденная Луной» – девушка Мия, которая была приглашена на странную вечеринку, после чего ее жизнь оказалась навсегда связана с таинственным сверхъестественным миром. В ее внешности легко угадывается прототип – актриса Мишель Трахтенберг.

Далее по сюжету девушка встречает хладнокровного молодого парня Виктора Ван Арта, который оказывается вампиром. Прототип Виктора из Рожденная Луной в реальной жизни – модель Александр Гайзлер.

Также игроков интересует, с кого рисовали Макса Фолла, который становится еще одним любовным интересом главной героини новеллы. И это тоже модель – Дилан Верлой.

В Клубе Романтики рисуют персонажей и с российских моделей. Так, вампира-звезду Бенни Барта срисовали с русского парня-модели Тимофея Руденко.

Коллега Мии Камилла похожа на американскую модель Эшли Грэхэм.

Босс Мии в редакции напоминает внешность актера Брайана Крэнстона.

Фредерик срисован с кинорежиссера Андреса Мускетти.

Элегантная вампирша София практически полностью срисована с модели Джулии Манини.

Стервозная вампирша Моника в реальной жизни – голливудская актриса Марго Робби.

В образе князя вампиров Итана Вуда многие видят черты Роберта Паттинсона, который также связан с вампирской тематикой благодаря роли вампира в саге «Сумерки».

Вампирша Фрэнсис, помогающая главной героине узнать правду о ее пророчестве, срисована с американской супермодели и актрисы Тайры Бэнкс.

Эпизодический персонаж, девушка-оборотень Лоретт, практически полностью срисована с британской актрисы Натали Дормер.

Пожилой оборотень и дедушка Макса Фолла Конрад срисован с актера и модели Эйдена Брэди.

Юный племянник Макса Фолла Шон срисован с молодого актера и модели Уильяма Франклина Миллера.

Fire Emblem Three Houses romance options for male Byleth

Here are all the male romance options in Fire Emblem: Three Houses:

  • Edelgard (only if you join Black Eagles, female, female)
  • Jeritza (only if you join Black Eagles, male) *
  • Linhardt (Black Eagles, male) *
  • Bernadetta (Black Eagles, female)
  • Dorothea (Black Eagles, female)
  • Petra (Black Eagles, female)
  • Mercedes (Blue Lions, female)
  • Annette (Blue Lions, female)
  • Ingrid (Blue Lions, female)
  • Lysithea (Golden Deer, female)
  • Marianne (Golden Deer, female)
  • Leonie (Golden Deer, female)
  • Hilda (only if you join Golden Deer, Blue Lions or recruit her during the Silver Snow route, female)
  • Yuri (Ashen Wolves, male) *
  • Constance (Ashen Wolves, female)
  • Hapi (Ashen Wolves, female)
  • Flayn (non-student character, female)
  • Manuela (non-student character, female)
  • Gilbert (only if you pick Blue Lions, non-student character, male) **
  • Alois (non-student character, male) **
  • Rhea (non-student character, female)
  • Sothis (non-student character, female)

* Same-sex romance


Jeritza as a romance option for Byleth

Introduced as a masked professor working for the Academy, Jeritza is later revealed to be the sinister Death Knight. This is just one of the many things that make Jeritza’s character so interesting, and his romance with Byleth worth pursuing. Although he appears in the base game, he is only romanceable with the Crimson Shadows DLC.

Jeritza and Byleth’s relationship starts a little rocky. Jeritza isn’t exactly approachable, and at first, may seem off-putting. But deepening his relationship with Byleth reveals an enigmatic man with a tragic past, who is willing to learn how to love.

Jeritza’s storyline leans on the darker side, but his romance with Byleth is surprisingly one of the most endearing endings you can get in the game. Jeritza’s route might not exactly be beginner-friendly, but it’s surely a top choice for anyone playing the game for a second or third time.

С кого рисовали персонажей «Секрет Небес» Клуб Романтики

Главная героиня истории Вики Уокер погибает и на небесах попадает в школу ангелов и демонов, где встречает немало интересных и колоритных персонажей. Один из ее возможных любовных фаворитов – сын Сатаны Люцифер, гордый и харизматичный, поначалу не идущий с ней на контакт. Многие считают, что его прототип – Люцифер из одноименного сериала, которого играет актер Том Эллис.

Однако из интервью разработчиков «Секрета Небес» можно узнать, что на создание этого образа они вдохновлялись и внешностью актера Иэна Сомехолдера.

Еще один возможный любовный интерес героини – ангел Дино. Считается, что он срисован с внешности актера Дрю Ван Эккера, однако у игроков есть и различные другие предположения.

Многих интересует, с кого срисовали Мими из Клуба Романтики, очаровательную дьяволицу и подругу Вики. Однако ее прототип в реальной жизни пока остается загадкой для игроков.

Энди – один из первых, кого Вики встречает после своей смерти. С ним тоже можно вести романтическую ветку. Считается, что его прототип – актер Шайа Лабаф.

Во внешности демона-учителя Геральда угадывается внешность знаменитого «Джеймса Бонда» – Дэниела Крейга. Особенно схожесть персонажа выдают такие же ярко-голубые глаза.

У однокурсника главной героини, симпатичного демона Ади, имеется целых два прототипа – это актеры Уилл Поултер и Камерон Монахэн.

Еще один однокурсник героини, ангел Сэми, срисован с внешности модели Педро Аурелиана.

Бонт срисован с американского актера, модели и музыканта Лаки Блю Смита.

Герои новых историй Клуба Романтики в реальности

Игроки уже давно расшифровали, с кого рисовали персонажей Клуба Романтики в старых новеллах. Зато многие герои относительно новых историй до сих пор остаются не узнанными, а некоторые образы, вероятно, и вовсе нарисованы художниками уже без прототипов.

И все же пользователи постепенно угадывают, как выглядят герои новых историй Клуба Романтики в реальной жизни.

( Пока оценок нет )
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